Tan Gedik

Welcome to my webpage. I am a usage-based applied construction grammarian, currently affiliated with FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg where I do my PhD with Ewa Dabrowska, and I teach an introduction to psycholinguistics class at Bilkent University. I am also an associated researcher at the RTG Dimensions of Constructional Space funded by the DFG.

I investigate how learning to read and write changes the grammatical knowledge of our native languages. In conjunction to this, I investigate how literacy influences cognitive constructs, linguistic production, and communicative efficiency.

Previously, in my BA, I pursued an English language teaching degree at METU and then I pursued an MA degree in applied linguistics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg with Thomas Herbst, investigating collostructional transfer effects of the English intransitive construction from Turkish to L2 English.

